Our Online Collection of Wallpapers, Wallcoverings and wall murals.

Bespoke Digitally printed wallpaper has the ability to transform your rooms. In this section "Our Art" you will see a selection of beautifully created and coloured wallpapers to suit your individual taste.

Our design team have created these designs which reflect the trends currently in the market place with colours ranging from soft delicate creams, neutrals hints, and duck egg to elegant shades of burnt orange, deep chocolates, chartreuse and brash bright reds.

Design selection ranges from beautifully hand drawn florals to traditional bold damasks and contemporary multi coloured stripes, with some new and exciting modern designs to give you that special bespoke piece of wallpaper.

We also offer a creative colouring facility that will allow you to choose any designs from "Our Art" and have them re-coloured to your own colour specification. By using the latest colour technology we can match to any colour palette, be it a sample paint or a piece of fabric.

contact design@conceptcoverings.co.uk and we will be happy to deal with your requests.

Click on any of the Wallpapers below to see a bigger view and to place your order.

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